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BYD's new model LOGO is released!

2024-10-02 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 1st, BYD officially announced that the new BYD dynasty IP "Xia" character mark LOGO was officially finalized, and the small seal shape was selected. As the sixth largest IP of the BYD dynasty, the word logo LOGO is also the first large flagship MPV summer model LOGO of the dynasty.

It is understood that before BYD invited users and netizens to co-create and solicit the word mark LOGO of the brand new IP, the above-mentioned "summer" IP mark was selected by the whole people's co-creation activities. However, the character mark that ranked first in popularity did not become the final character mark, but chose the fourth place in the popular work, which also aroused heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens said: "solicited a loneliness". At the same time, many netizens said: "there is no rule to choose the first", "quite like this font"; "simple but not simple, can recognize at a glance", "fortunately did not choose the first".

On September 29th, BYD announced the "Xia" IP popular vote for TOP10, in which the number of votes of TOP1 and TOP3 were 22251, 18843 and 16944 respectively, while the number of votes chosen was 16093.

As for why not choose popularity first, Lu Tian, general manager of the sales division of BYD Dynasty, said on Weibo that the fourth place for the popular work was decided after many rounds of internal discussion and voting. At the same time, it also explained on Weibo that the standards for the internal audit of the IP "Xia" logo LOGO include: 1, familial, consistent with the style and design elements of the whole dynasty family. 2. 2, identifiability, people can directly see the "summer"; 3, suitable as a car logo, need to match with the body design; 4, finally take care of the realization of vehicle mass production, in a variety of different process applications to maintain the unity of visual IP.

BYD officials said that the visual language system of the BYD dynasty originated from Xiao Zhuan, which has both shape and meaning, which not only retains the characteristics of calligraphy, but also is simple and easy to understand, so that people can recognize it as "Xia" at a glance. From this point of view, one of the reasons why the first place in popularity is not chosen may be that the font is relatively complex. From the final version of the new IP "Xia" character mark LOGO, the LOGO adopts the traditional "Xia" character stroke structure, and the distance between strokes looks very neat and stable, and the whole is more recognizable.

At present, the BYD dynasty series has a total of five IP symbols LOGO in Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties. This brand-new LOGO is the sixth largest IP of the dynasty, "Xia" LOGO. It is understood that, according to the rules of the activity, the creators who have been selected for LOGO will be granted the right to use Biya Disha MPV for three years.

Xia MPV is the first medium and large MPV under BYD, which was first released at the 2024 Chengdu Auto Show. The appearance of the model continues the family "Longyan Aesthetics" design. As a positioning medium and large MPV model, the new car has 5145/1970/1805mm length, width and height, 3045mm wheelbase, and a slightly smaller overall size than Tengli D9. In terms of power, the new car will adopt the fifth generation DM hybrid technology and Yunyi-C intelligent damping body control system. According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the new car will be equipped with a DM-i plug-in hybrid system composed of a 1.5T engine and motor.

At present, Biya Disha MPV has accepted blind booking, priced at level 300000, and will be listed this year. According to reports, some BYD Dynasty dealers have exposed the scheduled reference price of BYD Xia MPV, which is 28.98-350000 yuan, and the deposit is 2000 yuan. As for the final price, it is still subject to official announcement.

Compared with SUV and car market, MPV is more minority, but with the rapid rise of new energy vehicles, new energy MPV has also become a new battlefield for domestic car companies. Of course, from the current development, the MPV market still has a very broad market development space. BYD's launch of summer models at this time node will not only further improve the product layout of the dynasty series, but also work with Teng Teng D9 to encircle and suppress the traditional joint venture MPV. It will soon be answered whether BYD Xia can occupy a place in the mid-and high-end MPV market after its listing.

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