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Rush to the hot search! Extreme krypton car owners assisted driving while driving flat

2024-10-03 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 3, the topic #Car owners were sleeping while driving at high speed #hit the hot search on Weibo, triggering heated discussions among netizens. According to online videos, the owner of a Krypton car driving at a high speed played a "trick". The owner used a plastic bottle to get stuck on the steering wheel to trick the smart driving system into detecting the hand's grip on the steering wheel. He and the co-driver directly covered the quilt in the front row and "lay flat", allowing the vehicle to drive automatically throughout the entire process. At this time, the TV series was still playing on the central control screen. This picture looked very leisurely, but it was also very dangerous.

Once the video was exposed, it immediately triggered a strong discussion among netizens. Some netizens said,"This shows that Krypton's driver assistance system is still trustworthy, but this behavior by the owner seriously endangers the safety of others! It must be dealt with seriously! Such people should not be on the road. "Some netizens said," No autonomous driving promoted by a car company dares not guarantee 100% safety. This car owner is not threatening the life of a car, but the life safety of all people along the way. It is strongly recommended that criminal responsibility be pursued for dangerous driving crimes!!! "

In fact, such cases are not uncommon in the current market, especially those brands that promote autonomous driving as "magical". On the contrary, this situation is prone to occur, whether it is to attract attention and traffic, or to really experience the power of autonomous driving., this method is not advisable. Judging from the existing technology, the current assisted driving is not enough to free the driver's hands. It also requires the intervention and guidance of the driver. This is why most brands currently force the steering wheel to activate assisted driving. However, the Krypton owner in the video chose to ignore it. He deceived the smart driving system to detect the hand holding the steering wheel by getting the plastic bottle stuck on the steering wheel, and then covered the quilt and lay flat directly. Such an operation not only jeopardizes his own safety, but also endangers the safety of other road participants.

Of course, we cannot generalize the value of intelligent driving assistance systems. It does bring a lot of convenience to our driving and improve driving safety. For drivers, they need to use it correctly to maintain control of the vehicle and not rely entirely on the technological system. Abuse of this technology is not only irresponsible to their own lives, but also a serious threat to other road users. For car companies, it is also necessary to strengthen restrictions on the use of assisted driving, such as strengthening the driver's sense of holding the steering wheel, and also strengthening the driver's driving awareness.

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