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Geyue CEO Xia Yiping personally tested the anti-pinching of the electric suction door

2024-10-05 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, users' demand for new energy vehicles is also increasing. In order to highlight the highlights of their own vehicles, some new energy vehicles will be equipped with some high-tech functions, such as electric suction doors.

On October 3, Jiyue Automobile released a video about the anti-clamping function of the electric suction door of CEO Xia Yiping. In the video, Xia Yiping said that the electric suction door of the Ji Yue car is clip-proof. At the same time, he personally put his hand on the door frame to test. After the test, Xia Yiping said that the electric suction door was clip-proof, and there was nothing wrong with such a heavy door hitting his hand. In addition, it is also suggested that netizens can go to other brands to have a look.

The data show that the working principle of the electric suction door is to judge the closing state of the door by identifying the switch signal in the door lock. When the door lock is in the semi-locked state, the door controller will start the self-priming motor and completely close the door by pulling the wire to pull the internal mechanism of the door lock and the rotation of the locking tongue to achieve the full-locked state. Earlier, the electric suction door was a comfortable and safe configuration for luxury cars. The biggest advantage of this function is that it doesn't take a lot of effort to close the door and lean against the door lightly. Of course, this electric suction door also has shortcomings, most of the electric suction door does not have anti-clamping function, in addition, the manufacturing cost and maintenance cost of the electric suction door is not low, and its durability is relatively poor.

Of course, there are accidents in the use of electric suction doors. Earlier, an ideal L7 owner revealed on the Internet that his hand had been clipped by the L7, which had just been carrying the car for two months. At the same time, it was revealed that the vehicle could not be pulled out without clamping at last, and neither of the two fingers could move after being clamped.

From the pictures posted by the netizen, we can see that there are traces of being pinched near the joints of his index finger and middle finger, and there is an obvious depression in the front position of the finger. At that time, some netizens commented that electric suction doors had no anti-clamping, because the effect of the design was to overcome the resistance zone to close the door, and if there was an anti-clamp, the door would never be closed. At that time, regarding the netizen's explanation, ideal CEO Li Xiang forwarded and responded that: anti-clamping and electric suction are indeed in conflict, but you can add a switch to the electric suction door.

In addition to the incident of the ideal car being clamped by an electric suction door, the automobile media once posted that it was filming an engineering car with its ring finger clamped on the door during the operation. He also pointed out that there were many examples of being hurt by electric suction doors and automatic doors of different brands, and he was most afraid of children's injury. This "advanced" design felt that it was just the icing on the cake.

In fact, in recent years, there have been a lot of cases in which users have been caught by electric suction doors. Of course, there are many brands to explain the incident of electric suction door clamping.

For example, polar krypton cars have pointed out that half of the electric suction doors are mainly caused by several reasons. Among them, it contains improper use by users. Some users may not leave enough safe distance when operating the suction door or try to stop it when the door is about to close, resulting in a clamp. Secondly, there may be a sensitivity problem in the induction system of the electric suction door. If the sensing system is not sensitive enough, it may not be able to detect obstacles, including human hands, in time, resulting in a clamping accident. In addition, there may be some defects in the design and manufacture of vehicles. For example, the closing speed of the electric suction door is too fast or the closing force is too strong, which is likely to increase the risk of clamping.

In this regard, some automotive professionals pointed out: the electric suction door function of things such as arms, legs, generally can trigger anti-clamp sensing, but as small as a finger, it is very likely not to feel. Safety is no small matter, it is worth all automobile developers to continue to explore and improve.

In addition, some automotive media pointed out that the electric door can be regarded as the "all-electric enhanced version" of the electric suction door, and the advantage is that it can be fully automated, but from the perspective of "emergency control", the electric suction door must be better than the electric door. At the same time, users are advised to open or close the door, do not grasp the hand directly on the edge of the door, push and pull the handrail inside the car, and grasp the door handle outside the car. Especially in the process of closing the door, if you suddenly want to reopen the door, do not directly put your finger into the crack of the door to "break" the door, which is extremely dangerous, just wait until the door is closed and then open it, do not grab that second.

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