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Only one year into the job! Ideal car beauty executive leaves

2024-10-07 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to media reports, Song Ziwei has left the ideal car, the reason for her departure is unknown. People familiar with the matter said that Song Ziwei was no longer in the ideal car Flying Book address book and should have left her job before the festival.

Song Ziwei, a graduate of Shanghai University, moved from Huawei to vivo in 2019 to become the product manager of its subsidiary brand IQOO, according to public sources. It should be noted that when Song Ziwei served as IQOO product manager, the IQOO brand was just launched, which can be said to have witnessed the development of the IQOO brand. It is understood that the IQOO brand was released in February 2019 and the first model IQOO was released in March 2019. In July of the same year, Song Ziwei hosted the launch of iQOO Neo, the second model of the IQOO brand, which gained a lot of attention in a short period of time with good looks and long legs. In March 2020, iQOO officially released iQOO 3 mobile phone, also hosted by Song Ziwei, with "I am responsible for shaking, it is responsible for stable" thoroughly detonated the market, at this time, Song Ziwei has become the soul of IQOO brand press conference, the growing number of fans at the same time, the IQOO brand has also won unprecedented attention, becoming one of the fastest growing mobile phone brands in the Chinese market.

In September 2023, Song Ziwei was revealed to have joined the ideal car, but did not know the exact position. Song Ziwei announced her entry into the auto industry in November 2023, and responded to her departure for the first time via Weibo, announcing her next move. Song Ziwei said that joining the ideal car was her own initiative, and her resume was submitted on her own initiative, not dug up by the ideal car. "I am actually very simple. I made a mobile phone because I loved digital, but also because I loved it, so this time I chose the automobile industry to start a new journey." She also said: "the challenges and pressures of crossing the industry are unprecedented, and it really takes courage to take this step." In December 2023, ideal Automobile held an intelligent software conference and brought the strongest OTA in the history of ideal car, in which Song Ziwei was the keynote speaker, which was Song Ziwei's first appearance since joining ideal Automobile. Since then, Song Ziwei has not had many opportunities to appear in public.

In July this year, Song Ziwei publicly posted that she was "used to buying back the best-selling products in this category and experiencing them for seven days, then leaving the best one and returning the other products." In addition, she also "strongly advised" the e-commerce platform to issue a 7-day return reminder in the comments area.

As soon as this article was published, under the fact that everyone was concerned about the violation of merchants' rights and interests such as "only a refund" this year, netizens quickly aroused discussion, accusing the executives of a listed company of such behavior, and even some netizens said. I hope that the ideal car can also launch a seven-day unjustified refund service. The next day, Song Ziwei apologized for the above inappropriate remarks: "I love digital products very much, so I often buy some novel digital products to study at home." but after several unsuccessful trials and mistakes, the family's products piled up, and in order to save cost and time, I began to slack off and took advantage of the rules for no reason. I am very sorry for putting an unnecessary burden on merchants. "

It is not clear why Song Ziwei left her job, and whether she left voluntarily or was forced to leave. After the query of "Automotive Industry concern", Song Ziwei last mentioned the ideal car on August 28. Fundamentally speaking, under the background of increased competition in cars, the adjustment of positions has become normal, but as Song Ziwei, who once said, "because of love, chose the automobile industry this time," the reason for leaving only one year after joining the ideal car is also puzzling.

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