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High-speed charging piles have been seized! Ideal car response

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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During the National Day holiday, the travel of new energy vehicles ushered in a peak. Data show that two days before the National Day holiday, highway charging was 15.58 million kilowatt hours, an increase of 56 percent over the same period last year and an all-time high. In addition, according to the data of the smart car networking platform of the State Grid, 30% to 35% of all charging stations on the highway are charged at full load during the National Day holiday this year, while the charging busy index of these stations is only about 13%.

For a time, charging piles in high-speed service areas and scenic spots have become hot resources, many high-speed service areas have queued up to charge, and the shortage of charging piles has once again become the focus of attention. In addition, hybrid car run charging piles, car owners rub charging piles and other topics have also aroused heated discussion.

A few days ago, "ideal high-speed charging piles were preempted by other brands of vehicles" became the topic of after-dinner chat. Some bloggers said: "during the peak period of replenishing energy, the preferential policy of the owner of the ideal car that does not provide this brand has a great impact on the experience of the owner." Another blogger said: "support the ideal car to add tilting protection strategy during peak hours, otherwise the self-built value will be reduced a lot."

In response to the question of why their own high-speed charging piles did not suspend service to other brands of vehicles, the employee in charge of the charging network of ideal Automobile responded: "this is a notice that we need to open up the three-party models." When asked if there were any opening requirements for charging piles in the urban area, the other party said, "there is a similar situation in the urban area."

According to the official statement of ideal Automobile, the user charging report of ideal car overcharging station in September shows that 142ideal overcharging stations have been launched, with a total of 901; 760 ideal charging guns have been newly launched, with a total of 4318; and 375new preferred overcharging stations have been added, with a total of 1232. Ideal car revealed that at present, 552 high-speed ideal overcharging stations have been put into use, connecting 8 national highways.

Ideal Automobile said: "while providing convenient and fast charging services for ideal car users, ideal overcharging stations are open to all international new energy vehicles."

In fact, new car companies, including ideal Automobile and Ulay Motors, have built a large number of their own charging stations, and few of these charging stations impose restrictions on third-party brands. ‌ takes Weilai Automobile as an example, it has built 23277 charging piles, of which 80.25% of the electricity service has been given to the non-Weilai brand ‌, while Xiaopeng's charging station is also compatible with other brands of vehicle charging ‌. By contrast, however, the situation of Tesla is different. It is understood that Tesla's super charging pile will identify the vehicle when charging, and if it is detected that the vehicle is not Tesla, the charging pile will not be electrified, so Tesla's charging pile is not compatible with other brands of vehicles ‌. However, at present, most of the brand charging stations built by domestic new energy car companies are open to third-party brand vehicles. Shen Fei, vice president of Lulai Energy, also mentioned earlier that he suggested that car brands build more charging piles and open them to the industry to alleviate the shortage of charging facilities in extreme cases.

With regard to the charging of new energy vehicles, on September 10, the National Development and Reform Commission and other four departments issued an article saying that they would comprehensively promote orderly charging of new energy vehicles and expand the scale of the two-way charge and discharge (V2G) project. In this regard, many netizens also teased: "in the future, owners of new energy vehicles may realize reverse charging to the power grid to make money."

There is no doubt that in the era of new energy vehicles, charging piles have become the infrastructure of new energy vehicles. From the perspective of car owners alone, after the car companies build their own charging piles, the experience of car owners is certainly better than that of using third-party charging piles, and it will also reduce the charging anxiety of car owners. Especially in the context of new energy vehicles becoming more and more popular, self-built piles by car companies can not only better serve users, but also improve user experience and brand loyalty. Of course, from the point of view of many automobile companies, there are certain drawbacks, because the cost of self-built charging piles is very high, and it takes a lot of time and resources. If the utilization rate of self-built charging piles is not high, it will cause a waste of resources, which will undoubtedly bring heavy financial burden to smaller car companies. ‌. And if it is to open charging piles to other car brands, this may be able to share some of the financial burden.

Previously, in view of the shortage of charging piles, some people in the industry pointed out that when there is a peak period of travel, it is suggested that you can drive away only when you are "seven minutes full" and then recharge when you wait for the charging pile in the next service area. in this way, you can save some of the time waiting for charging. In fact, in recent years, the charging problem of new energy vehicles has been the focus of many car owners, but now the charging anxiety of new energy vehicles has been alleviated, and China has built the largest network of electric vehicle charging facilities in the world. Data show that in the first eight months of this year, the domestic charging infrastructure increased by 2.403 million units, an increase of 20.3 percent over the same period last year. Among them, the increment of public charging piles was 537000, an increase of 13.3% over the same period last year. As of August, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure in the country was 10.999 million, an increase of 52.6 percent over the same period last year.

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