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Official response to a man buying second-hand millet SU7 and being locked remotely by the original owner

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, a news about a man buying a second-hand millet su7 whose car was remotely locked by the original owner has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. As of press time, the post has been read 48.487 million times and discussed 8194 times on Weibo.

The man told the media that he saw someone selling a second-hand millet su7 online last month, so he spent 205000 yuan on the second-hand millet su7 from Zhengzhou to Shijiazhuang, Hebei province overnight. The man also revealed that he has paid 201000 yuan, leaving 4000 yuan for the original car owner to cooperate with the family before transferring money. Unexpectedly, after driving the car back to Zhengzhou, the original owner wanted to increase the price by 3000 yuan. He disagreed at that time, so he was locked up remotely by the original owner. At present, the car cannot be opened, and the man said that he also wanted to have a good negotiation with the original owner, but the other party could not get through. As can be seen from the chat transcripts of the two sides, the original car owner said he had received 200000 yuan in full.

Some media contacted the original car owner, for the man to buy his own second-hand millet su7, the owner said that at that time the two sides only a verbal agreement, did not sign a formal car purchase contract. At the same time, it was also pointed out that the man had not made all the payments and that he still retained control of the vehicle. The original owner denied the charge increase, saying that the two sides did not agree on the final price at that time. In response to the matter, the man who broke the news said that he would protect his legitimate rights and interests through legal means, and would seek legal aid and sue the original car owner, demanding that the other party perform the contract and compensate for the losses caused by it.

Xiaomi official was contacted by the media on this incident, and Xiaomi car customer service responded that the change of Xiaomi's car control account needs to provide a transaction invoice for used cars before it can be changed. If the user has not completed the transfer of ownership, the car control account can not be changed. This also means that the vehicle needs to complete the transfer of ownership in order to change the vehicle control account.

For this matter, many netizens also commented on it. Some netizens commented: it will be more reliable to suggest buying a car or looking for a regular car dealer channel, which will avoid a lot of risks and save a lot of trouble. Some netizens commented that it is not much cheaper to buy a Xiaomi su7 at this price, so it is better to buy a new one.

The auto industry focuses on the official AAP of Xiaomi Automobile, which shows that the price of Xiaomi SU7 is 215900 and the delivery time is 25-28 weeks. The delivery time is long, or one of the reasons why the man chose to buy a second-hand millet SU7. As we all know, since the launch of Xiaomi SU7 on March 28 this year, it has been a hot market. Official figures show that the current number of Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 100000. The most immediate problem caused by the surge in sales is capacity. It was reported earlier that Xiaomi asked suppliers to increase production capacity to 10, 000 vehicles a month because of hot orders from Xiaomi SU7. Officials have also said: at present, Xiaomi automobile factory is going all out to increase production capacity, and fully mobilize supply chain partners to ensure supply, steadily promote the delivery of existing orders as soon as possible, orderly processing of future orders, and ensure the delivery experience of users.

The long delivery time and the popularity of the models in the market also make many people willing to pay a high price for Xiaomi SU used cars. The automobile industry pays attention to a used car platform to see that the current price of a used car in Xiaomi SU7 is between 215900 yuan and 333000 yuan. For reference, the official price of Xiaomi SU7 is 21.59-299900 yuan. From the price of the second-hand platform Xiaomi SU7, the value preservation rate is very high, and even the price of some used cars is higher than the official price. It may be easy to understand why the man went thousands of miles to buy this second-hand millet SU7.

For the original car owner to lock the car, some professional legal personages pointed out that from the content of the communication between the two sides on Wechat, both sides have made a clear agreement on the price of the vehicle, which means that the car purchase contract of both sides has already come into effect. The original owner of the car in this process of remote control of the vehicle, to a certain extent, has violated the legitimate rights and interests of the new owner. It is suggested that when buying large samples, you must sign a formal contract or agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, which will help to avoid some unnecessary troubles in the future.

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