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Go on hot searches! Lei Jun's dubbing was spoofed without bottom line

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, the entry "Lei Jun clarifies the recent dubbing of Lei Jun AI" has gone viral on Weibo. It is understood that in the past 7 days of National Day, a large number of AI dubbing videos about "Lei Jun" suddenly appeared on the network. The dubbing in the video is mostly about holidays, rest adjustment and its first model, Xiaomi SU7. Because the dubbing also contains some abusive words, many netizens go to Lei Jun's Weibo to comment that Lei Jun has been scolding people online for seven days on National Day, and how Lei Jun has been scolding people recently.

Lei Jun also made three angry expressions in response to netizens' comments. In response to the incident, some netizens commented on the Weibo account of Wang Hua, general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, suggesting, "Let's solve the matter of cursing on Lei Jun's AI voice. Wang Hua replied to the netizen:" it has been transferred to Xiaomi legal Department. "

When the auto industry searched for words such as Lei Jun's AI voice on Douyin social platforms, it was found that some topics about the content had been viewed more than 10 million times. This amount of playback also makes the dubbing of Lei Jun's AI a traffic password, and many netizens have published some creations using Lei Jun's AI dubbing on social media.

At present, searching for AI dubbing in WeChat Mini Programs will find that there are already a lot of Mini Program about AI dubbing. Users can borrow other people's voice as long as they type the text in the corresponding dialog box to select a given character. In the production process, users can set speed, tone and other details, but most AI dubbing programs need to buy VIP if they want to get more creative features, such as the number of words and some task-specific pronunciation. In fact, with the rapid development of intelligence in the network era, AI dubbing has become a new way of creation, and many netizens will create videos through some AI dubbing software. Of course, the emergence of AI dubbing technology for creators can make content creation feel new. But it is worth mentioning that AI dubbing also has certain risks, improper use will lead to infringement and other problems.

The data show that Lei Jun founded Xiaomi in 2010 and released Xiaomi Mobile phone 1 the following year. Xiaomi sold 7.19 million phones in 2012 and 18.7 million in 2013, according to statistics. However, due to fierce market competition and other factors, Xiaomi entered a trough in 2014. In 2015, Xiaomi did not complete its shipments for that year. In 2016, Lei Jun made a large-scale organizational restructuring of Xiaomi's mobile phone business. Xiaomi Group was listed in Hong Kong on July 9, 2018, with an one-day valuation of US $54 billion. On March 30, 2021, Xiaomi Group announced cross-border car construction. Lei Jun said at the scene: decided to lead the team personally, this will be the last major entrepreneurial project in his life, willing to bet all the accumulated achievements in life, bet all his reputation to fight for Xiaomi car! After about three years, Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi car, finally went on sale on March 28 this year.

As the first model of Xiaomi car, the market performance of Xiaomi SU7 is very successful. So far, the data of Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 100000. For Lei Jun himself, he is also a popular man in the car circle, and he will get a lot of attention wherever he goes. In this regard, why the network will appear a lot about Lei Jun AI dubbing video is not difficult to understand. After all, Lei Jun and Xiaomi SU7 already have their own traffic, and a casual video can get a lot of attention.

In this regard, some relevant legal personages pointed out that the use of AI to clone the voice of Lei Jun to release the video is already a tort for Lei Jun, because the voice, as part of his personal characteristics, is clearly protected by the law, like the portrait. The unauthorized use of its sound rights and interests without the consent of the parties may involve civil infringement.

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