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Water leaked when I bought Maybach! Loss of 800,000 yuan in 10 days

2024-10-16 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Millions of Maybach owners leaked as soon as they bought a new car, and the road to safeguarding their rights is a long way off.

The details of the incident are as follows: on July 1 this year, Mr. Li spent 2.15 million yuan to buy a brand new Maybach GLS 480 at Suzhou Yuanxing Mercedes-Benz 4S store. After only two days of picking up the car, he found a central control noise. On July 11, he sent the car back to the 4S store for repair, and on the same day, he found that the co-driver's A-pillar was leaking.

After discovering this problem, Mr. Li sent the vehicle back to the 4S store for maintenance, but the maintenance staff disassembled the A-pillar lining and never found the cause of the leakage. As a result, Mr. Li put forward the proposal of changing cars with money, but the 4S store gave an estimate of 1.35 million yuan to 1.5 million yuan, equivalent to a 10-day loss of nearly 800000 yuan, which Mr. Li could not accept. Since then, Mr. Li called Mercedes-Benz official customer service many times, but did not get a satisfactory solution, so Mr. Li began to post rights videos online, hoping to use the power of public opinion to help him protect his rights.

At the same time, some netizens came across the activist Maybach GLS on the road, the multimillion-dollar luxury car was rode on the road in tricolor cloth, and the video sparked a heated debate after it was posted online. Interestingly, the car owner also opened a window on the short video platform, where there are only two products, the same tricolor raincloth and warning tape for rain protection and fixation, which has also been exemplary by many Mercedes-Benz owners.

Mr. Li said, "who would want to do this if they were not forced to do so? sending a video every day is really big. I just want a reasonable answer and solution." Mr. Li said, "my request now is very simple. I don't need to return one or three as netizens say. I just need: 1. Mercedes-Benz officially apologized and paid 80 yuan as mental damage fee. 2. The car asked for a refund." If Mercedes-Benz can return this car, I am willing to take out all the refunds to help those who are worthy of help. When I am in the rain, there are so many people holding umbrellas for me. I also hope to do my best to make an umbrella. "

Suzhou Yuanxing Automobile Service Co., Ltd. released a statement in response to the "Maybach leakage incident" on the official account "Mercedes-Benz Suzhou Yuanxing" on Wechat, saying that it first received feedback from the car owner on July 11 and found traces of water seepage in the co-driver's A-pillar position, appearance inspection found damaged rubber and plastic parts in the corresponding upper right-hand corner, and the company coordinated the manufacturer's technical guidance. After the comprehensive technical research and judgment of the manufacturer and the company, it is suggested to carry out targeted maintenance, but the customer is strongly opposed, so the work of disassembly, inspection and maintenance has been stagnant so far. As for the "10-day depreciation 800000", the 4S store said that this is not our solution for the customer and the vehicle, and the inquiry in the second-hand car market has no reference significance for the solution without technical conclusion. we are deeply sorry for the confusion caused by the distortion and misunderstanding of this information to the public.

On October 13, the owner of the Maybach leaking car responded to the "Mercedes-Benz Suzhou Yuanxing" statement. # Maybach leaking car owner said the dealer perfunctory explanation #: not apologizing for their product quality and arrogant service attitude, but it was a whole perfunctory explanation, and what made me even more angry was their vilification of my mother. Today, @ the owner of the leaky car continuously posted Weibo in response to the instructions of the 4S store.

As of press time, the activist car owner has nearly 400000 fans on the short video platform, and if the 4S store fails to come up with a solution, it will be difficult to clean up, and it will be an irreparable loss to the 4S store and the Mercedes-Benz brand. At present, Mercedes-Benz officials have not made any further response to the rights protection car owners, and we look forward to negotiations between the two sides.

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