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A new car-building force has been exposed to be unable to pay wages official response

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Oct. 16, a netizen on the social networking platform who certified Naha's car employees said in an online post that the car has not been paid and the company owes the supplier a lot of money. Everyone is advised to be careful to buy screenshots. Spread on the Internet, has aroused the attention of the majority of netizens.

When the auto industry focused on the search for "which car" on the pulse platform, it was found that some netizens had posted relevant content as early as yesterday that the car could no longer pay its wages. Under this post, employees of Mei Mai Certification for Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. confirmed the news, while commenting: definitely not today. I almost didn't post it last month. In addition, the employees of Nawei Automobile also commented: either it seems, or it has not been sent, no one has come out to be responsible for the incident so far, and no one has taken the initiative to send a message to explain.

As the topic became more and more hot, some media contacted the car. The official response said: at present, the salaries of front-line and factory employees are paid on time, and the middle and senior executives of the company are adjusting their salary structure recently. They should confirm their rights before IPO, and only individual salaries are paid a little more slowly.

It is worth mentioning that although the authorities have refuted the rumor that wages can no longer be paid. But in fact, since last year, the presence of Nahu car in the market is not very strong. There is an endless stream of news about the suspension of car production and the postponement of year-end bonuses in Nashi.

In February this year, some netizens revealed that the year-end bonus of Nahu car has not been paid for a long time. At that time, Zhang Yong, CEO of Naha Automobile, responded that employees' bonuses were related to performance reviews, and the annual performance payment coefficient and amount of employees would be completed in March in the final review and confirmation, and this information was also internally communicated to employees. At the same time, Zhang Yong also said that the salary in January was paid to personal accounts ahead of the Spring Festival, taking into account the Spring Festival. Finally, it is pointed out that since the beginning of 16 years, the salary / bonus / social security of automobile employees has never been realized a day later. It was so difficult last year that I didn't think about a pay cut / layoff.

Of course, the reason why Nahu has failed to pay wages has caused a lot of netizens' speculation, which has something to do with the poor sales of Nahu cars in recent years. The data show that Naha Automobile is the automobile brand of Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., which was established in 2014. In 2017, Nahu was qualified to produce pure electric vehicles. In 2018, N01, the first model of Natta, was put on the market. The price of the new car after subsidy is 5.98-69800 yuan. At present, there are AYA, GT, L, S, V, X, U and other models on sale, all of which are priced between 10 and 200000 yuan. In the early days, Naha car also ushered in a short period of highlight with its price advantage. In 2022, the cumulative sales of Naha reached 150000, surpassing Wei Xiaoli to become the dark horse of the new car-building power.

However, the good times will not last long. With the intensification of market competition and the opening of the price war, the price advantage of Nahu cars is no longer obvious. Sales of Nashi cars fell to 127496 in 2023, down 16.16% from 2022. For the shortage of sales last year, Zhang Yong also summed up the lack of sales last year, saying that the reason for the poor sales in 2023 was that it did not link up well with the new and old production, and the rhythm was disorderly; the pricing of new products on the market was too high, although the adjustment was in place in the second half of the year, but the first opportunity was lost; the production of the lossmaking product line was greatly reduced; the way of communication is old and there are good things that cannot be said. Marketing headquarters centralization and weak management and other factors. Although Nashi has made many internal personnel adjustments since the beginning of this year, its sales are still not improving. Figures show that the latest car sales in Nashi were 10118 in September, down 23.41% from the same period last year. For reference, Nahu sold 13211 cars in the same period last year.

As we all know, car building requires a steady stream of capital injection. Nezha car in recent years, losses continue to increase, more need for external capital inflows. It is understood that Nawei submitted an application for listing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June this year. According to the information disclosed in the prospectus, from 2021 to 2023, the net losses of Naha Automobile were 4.84 billion yuan, 6.666 billion yuan and 6.867 billion yuan respectively, with a cumulative loss of 18.373 billion yuan in three years. In addition to the increase in losses, Nahu's cash reserves are also very tight. As of the end of 2023, the cash reserve of Naha car is only 2.84 billion yuan. Compared with other new car-building powers, Naha car's cash reserves are still too small.

In this context, listing has naturally become the fastest way to get financial support. But in the end, if you want to survive, you have to rely on sales. After all, since 2024, the knockout stage of the automobile industry has been accelerated, and many leading car companies have also launched new models with favorable prices to seize market share. If Naha cars cannot launch popular models to seize market share, it also means that the living space will be further squeezed, and the follow-up development will also be in jeopardy.

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