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Gekrypton Automobile denies that it is related to "illegal surveying and mapping by an overseas company"!

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 17, the extreme Krypton Automobile Law Department issued a statement saying: "concerned about the emergence of rumors on the Internet platform linking the news of'a foreign company carrying out illegal mapping under the cover of intelligent driving research 'with extreme krypton maliciously, not only ignoring the facts, but also being repeatedly maliciously spread, misleading the public and damaging the corporate image and reputation.

Extreme Krypton car pointed out: "in the course of business operation, Polar Krypton always adheres to the principles of legality and compliance, and firmly opposes all online rumors that tarnish and seriously damage the company's reputation." It also said that it had fixed the evidence and reserved the right to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests by all legal means.

In response to a statement issued by the Ministry of Polar Krypton Law, Zhu Ling, vice president of Polar Krypton Technology, said: "the police are in charge of catching bad guys." Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Zhejiang Geely Holdings Group, said: "I feel that there are always people who pretend to understand, are self-righteous, stir up right and wrong, and create rumors. I really want to remind them that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and it is necessary to study and verify the opinions expressed by the media and KOL." Last night, Yang Xueliang also posted on Weibo: "it has nothing to do with polar krypton, nor is it done by polar krypton partners. The rumor ends with the wise."

The thing is, on October 16, the official WeChat account of the Ministry of State Security said: "the work of the State Security Agency found that Company A, an overseas enterprise, cooperated with Company B, which is qualified for surveying and mapping in our country. Under the cover of carrying out intelligent driving research, geographic information surveying and mapping activities were carried out illegally in our country."

The official of the Ministry of State Security pointed out: "Company An is a project contractor in key sensitive areas of a certain country, and according to the surveying and Mapping Law of the people's Republic of China, it does not have the qualification to carry out geographic information surveying and mapping activities alone in our country. In order to avoid the supervision of China's industry authorities, the company outsourced the project many times on the grounds of automobile intelligent driving research, and finally commissioned the domestic B company with surveying and mapping qualification to implement it. Driven by the temptation of economic interests, Company B is completely reduced to a string puppet of Company A, and its surveying and mapping qualification plays a cover role for Company A to illegally obtain surveying and mapping data in our territory. "

Immediately after the release of the above content, heated discussion in the industry, including Tesla Vice President of Foreign Affairs Tao Lin, Siwei Tuxin and other companies have made an emergency response. Tao Lin, vice president of foreign affairs of Tesla, said on Weibo: "Compliance is the bottom line of business operation. Tesla always believes that the intelligence of compliance is the intelligence of sustainable development. our goal is to provide consumers with safe and reliable products and excellent and stable services." Siwei Tuxin said: "always adhere to the principle of legality and compliance with the principles of running enterprises, firmly oppose all online rumors that discredit or slander the company's reputation, and will take necessary legal measures to defend them."

The official of the Ministry of National Security stressed: "in the era of big data, data resources are of great value to the country's economic and social development, and surveying and mapping data are closely related to national security areas such as homeland security, military security, ecological security, and data security. In carrying out geographic information surveying and mapping activities, domestic surveying and mapping companies and relevant employees should strictly abide by national laws and regulations, strengthen the security management of surveying and mapping data, and beware of surveying and mapping data being stolen by overseas organizations or individuals. "

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