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A total of 226 million! Aichi Automobile was successively executed

2024-10-23 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to Tianyan check information, on October 18, Aichi Automobile Co., Ltd. added a piece of information about the person subject to execution, with the execution target of 3.0472 million yuan, and the enforcement court is the Nanjing Intermediate people's Court of Jiangsu Province.

This is the third time this month that Aichi Automobile Co., Ltd. has been listed as the person subject to execution. On October 17, Aichi Automobile Co., Ltd. added four new pieces of information about the person subject to execution, with execution targets of 1.0617 million yuan, 271000 yuan, 299400 yuan and 586000 yuan respectively, and the execution courts were all the people's Court of Guangxin District of Shangrao City. As of press time, the total amount of money executed by Aichi Automobile Co., Ltd. is 226 million yuan.

Aichi Automobile Co., Ltd. was established in February 2017. it was formerly known as Jiangxi Aichi Yiwei Industrial Co., Ltd., the legal representative is Guo Chao, and the registered capital is about 868 million yuan. The company is jointly owned by many shareholders, such as Ningbo Meishan bonded Port area Kaijiu Investment Management Co., Ltd., Huzhou Aochi Investment Partnership (limited partnership), Ningbo Meishan bonded Port area Mengding Investment Co., Ltd., etc.

Risk information shows that Aichi car has a number of people to be executed, restrictions on consumption orders, people who break faith and final case information. As of press time, the company had a total of 29 court announcements, 3 consumption restriction orders, 2 final cases, the total amount of execution was 74100 yuan, the total amount of non-performance was 74700 yuan, the proportion of non-performance was 100%, and the proportion of non-performance was 100%. 11 pieces of information about the person subject to execution, the total amount of the execution is 226 million yuan; 3 pieces of equity freeze information.

As one of the early new car-building brands in China, Aichi started well, and even had high hopes from the market, but what is surprising is that the operating condition of Aichi is not optimistic and the negative news is plagued by negative news. has been exposed a financial crisis, arrears of employees' wages, employees have to pay social security, headquarters office arrears to return rent, factory shutdown, bankruptcy and other negative information Aichi Automobile Shanghai has also been filed for bankruptcy. At the end of August, hundreds of cars in Aichi's production base in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, were seized by the Guangxin District Court of Shangrao City, due to arrears of wages. In April 2023, it was revealed that Aichi was in arrears with employees' wages, and even social security and provident fund required employees to pay at their own expense.

In addition to the poor cash flow and weak hematopoietic ability, Aichi car does not have a competitive advantage in products, marketing, channels and other aspects. People in the industry believe that even if Aichi solves the temporary financial dilemma and wants to return to the mainstream market, Aichi still has a lot of lessons to learn, so it is still full of uncertainty about how Aichi will develop in the future.

At present, the new energy vehicle industry is speeding up the reshuffle, although a stable pattern has not yet been formed, but the competition among car enterprises is very fierce. behind the bad situation of Aichi car in the white-hot stage of competition, there is a collective weakness of many new car-making forces with low voice, including Singularity Automobile, Weimar Automobile, Skyline Automobile, Evergrande Automobile and so on.

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