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Apple self-driving car New Patent Iphone car key?

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, according to foreign media reports, Apple has applied for a new patent for the self-driving car under development. Apple said that the patent will turn the iphone in the hands of the car owner into an Apple self-driving car key and control the vehicle to drive automatically to the location of the phone, which sounds very science fiction.

屏幕快照 2019-02-10 下午12.05.18.png

Apple's detailed explanation of the patent is: "the vehicle Authorization system will provide communication between the vehicle and the iPhone holder, allowing users to perform certain tasks, such as opening the door." The principle of this technology is to use biometric technology similar to Apple's faceid to determine the identity of the car owner, who can also authorize the car to be driven by others. Some industry insiders speculate that Apple's application for the patent will not only be applied to its self-driving cars under development, but will also use this technology to develop its soon-to-be-expanded self-driving ride-hailing service, according to Apple's consistent practice. all this will be closely linked to Apple's huge ecological chain.

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