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Tesla Model S spontaneously ignited for the fourth time in two months, leaving only a shell when the whole vehicle was burned.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Industry Report >


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Recently, foreign media reported that a Tex Model S car caught fire while charging at a supercharging station in Antwerp, Belgium, and the whole car was destroyed. This is the past two months, Tesla has occurred at least four spontaneous combustion incidents.


According to relevant sources, the Model S model at that time began to catch fire soon after it was recharged. Tesla's owner said he parked his car at the super charging station for fast charging. When she came back to pick up the car, he saw that his Model S and the charging pile were on fire. The exact reason was not known.

Then firefighters came to put out the fire, when Tesla had completely destroyed the rest of the frame. In order to prevent the car from burning again, firefighters put Tesla into a container full of water.


The specific reason remains to be investigated for the time being, but Tesla has not responded yet. The fire is the fourth in two months.


Earlier, in the first Tesla spontaneous combustion incident in Hong Kong on May 12, the owner drove the Model S to the overcharging station provided by Tesla to recharge. After the charge reached 97%, the car was parked in the parking space in San Po Kong Square at about 3pm. He also pointed out that the vehicle did not leave until the power was cut off, and it did not use the charging posts of the parking spaces to recharge, and spontaneous combustion occurred unexpectedly. It was accompanied by an explosion and part of the front of the car was burned.


In addition, at midnight US time, a Tesla Model S suddenly ignited in a private garage in San Francisco. The spontaneous combustion Model S was not plugged in at the time of the accident. The San Francisco Fire Department wrote on its official Twitter account that the smoke came from the right rear wheels, while components near the right rear tires included brakes, suspensions, motors and battery packs.


As early as April 21, Tesla recorded the whole process of Tesla spontaneous combustion in an underground garage in Shanghai, when the white Tesla car was parked on the parking space. a lot of smoke suddenly burst out from the bottom of the car, and the smoke spread rapidly within 30 seconds and then burst into flames. Tesla and his surroundings were instantly surrounded by fire, and Tesla's car continued to burn. Eventually, Tesla and a number of cars in the garage were burned.


Although it is rare for Tesla to have a fire at a supercharging station, this is not the first. Back in 2016, a Tesla Model S caught fire and burned while charging at a supercharging station in Norway. At the time, Tesla said the fire was caused by a short circuit, although the company did not know why there was a short circuit. Shortly after these events, Tesla updated the battery management software.

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