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National Development and Reform Commission: gradually abolish the automobile purchase restriction policy, and there are no traffic restrictions on new energy vehicles.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Stimulate car consumption new policy officially announced! On June 6, the three departments of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Ecological Environment issued the Notice on the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Renewal and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Recycling of Resources (2019-2020), which clearly requires that new automobile purchase restriction regulations be strictly issued in various places to speed up the shift from restricted purchase to guided use; all localities shall not impose restrictions on new energy vehicles.

Relaxation of purchase restrictions

According to the plan, it is strictly prohibited to introduce new automobile purchase restriction regulations everywhere. Local governments that have implemented automobile purchase restriction shall accelerate the shift from restricted purchase to guided use according to the urban traffic congestion, pollution control and traffic demand control effects. All localities shall not impose new restrictions or purchase restrictions on new energy vehicles, and those that have already been implemented shall be cancelled. Local governments are encouraged to support car-free families in purchasing their first new energy vehicles.


Cancel pickup restrictions into the city

Encourage qualified prefecture-level cities and below to speed up the cancellation of restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city and give full play to the dual-use function of pickup trucks. Establish and improve the management mechanism and technical standards of automobile modification industry, and promote the standardized development of automobile consumer-type modification.

Cancellation of restrictions on relocation of second-hand cars

Resolutely cancel the policy of restricting the relocation of second-hand cars, actively introduce policies and measures to facilitate transactions and promote circulation for second-hand cars that are effective in environmental protection and safety annual inspection and meet the emission standards for vehicles transferred to land.

The official document is roughly the same as the earlier draft, not only requiring local governments to relax restrictions on purchases to promote automobile consumption, but also putting forward relevant implementation opinions in the fields of used cars, old cars, modified cars, pickup trucks, etc. to further promote the development of the automobile industry.

The focus is on Beijing. At present, the number of applicants for new energy indicators in Beijing exceeds 410,000. According to the queue, new applicants will wait until 2027 to get the indicators. Once fully liberalized, it means that Beijing's new energy vehicles will explode.

In 2018, China's automobile market experienced negative growth for the first time in 28 years, and the downward trend into 2019 has not improved. In April, China's passenger car sales fell 16.9% year-on-year to 1.508 million vehicles, the 11th consecutive monthly sales decline; from January to April, the cumulative sales volume of domestic passenger cars was 6.595 million vehicles, a drop of 11.9%. How big will this "rescue policy" affect?

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