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China Automobile Association: solve the inventory problem of national five vehicles and ensure the early implementation of the sixth national emission standard.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On July 1, the era of national six emission standards was officially ushered in. In view of the switch from national five to national six, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers issued a document. In order to further seek multi-party linkage to promote the digestion of national five vehicles inventory, realize the smooth switch from national five vehicles to national six, and implement national six standards ahead of schedule in key areas, it is suggested that all relevant parties should seriously ensure that the early implementation of national six emission standards will not affect the normal use of national five vehicles and the normal circulation and trading of used cars. And hope that local governments reasonably guide the country's five-car inventory digestion. At the same time, automobile production enterprises shall deploy in advance in areas where the national VI emission standard is not implemented in advance, reasonably arrange the production rhythm and sales plan of national V and national VI vehicles, actively reduce the production supply of national V vehicles, and make full preparations for ensuring the full implementation of the national VI standard on July 1,2020.


Full text:

Initiatives on switching between National VI and National VI and implementing National VI emission standards ahead of schedule in key areas

Since the beginning of this year, affected by factors such as slowing macroeconomic growth, insufficient consumption confidence and consumers 'expectations for market promotion policies, the automobile market demand has slowed down significantly. The early implementation of National VI Standard has further aggravated consumers' wait-and-see mood. The superposition of multiple factors has exceeded the expectations of the industry, resulting in a sharp decline in the automobile market in 2019, a backlog of vehicles in National V, and a significant decline in the benefit level of enterprises.

Through investigation, combined with the relevant situation of "early implementation of National VI" and the opinions of industry enterprises, China Automobile Association communicated and communicated with the Atmospheric Environment Department of the Ministry of Ecological Environment on the implementation of National VI emission standards, expressed the clear attitude of the automobile industry to firmly support various policies of national air pollution control, and objectively reflected the current development trend of the automobile industry and the specific situation of industry enterprises on "early implementation of National VI". A basic consensus has been formed on the digestion of the inventory of the five national vehicles and the switching of the five national vehicles to the six national vehicles.

The Ministry of Ecological Environment clearly stated that it would implement and promote the State Council's "Three-Year Action Plan to Win the Blue Sky Defense War" to implement the national six emission standards ahead of schedule in key designated areas, adhere to the principle of zoning and step-by-step, and not expand the areas where the national six standards would be implemented ahead of schedule. At the same time, for the second-hand cars of the National Five Standard, the Ministry of Ecological Environment said that it should strictly follow the requirements of the spirit of the document "Several Opinions on Promoting the Convenience of Second-hand Cars" issued by the State Council in 2016, keep the circulation policy of second-hand cars unchanged, and ensure the convenient trading of second-hand cars of the National Five Standard, that is, there will be no problem of "restriction on relocation" of second-hand cars of the National Five Standard.

The automobile industry actively promotes the green and healthy development of the automobile industry. In view of the backlog problem of the national five-vehicle inventory, the relevant organizations and coordination forces of the automobile industry are jointly promoting the solution recently. The industry believes that, in order to reduce the inventory pressure of national five-vehicle in these key areas, industry enterprises should stop supplying national five-vehicle models to the regions implemented in advance; at the same time, consumers should also treat emission upgrading rationally, reduce doubts about the purchase and use of national five-vehicle, and jointly create a benign interactive atmosphere for automobile marketing environment.

In order to further seek multi-party linkage to promote the inventory digestion of the national five vehicles, realize the smooth switching of the national five vehicles to the national six, and implement the national six standards in advance in key areas, the China Automobile Association proposes:

(1) In accordance with the requirements of the State Council's Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War, key areas will be selected from July 1, 2019.(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, Yangtze River Delta, Fenwei Plain, Pearl River Delta region, Chengdu-Chongqing region *) ahead of schedule implementation of the national VI emission standards; provinces and municipalities other than the requirements of the "blue sky defense war" strictly in accordance with the national VI standard time (July 1,2020) implementation, do not expand the implementation of the national VI standard area ahead of schedule; do not implement the national VI region can still normally sell the national five vehicles, the national five model product use scrap policy remains unchanged.

(2) All relevant parties shall carefully ensure that the early implementation of the National VI emission standards will not affect the normal circulation and trading of second-hand vehicles under the National V emission standards. All local governments shall give full play to the role of the automobile industry in stabilizing growth and expanding consumption in key areas in strict accordance with the spirit of Several Opinions on Promoting Convenient Trading of Used Cars issued by the General Office of the State Council in 2016. Resolutely implement the specific provisions of "creating a market environment for the free circulation of used cars, and not formulating and implementing relocation restriction policies that restrict used cars (including national emission standards)", and cancel the relocation restriction policies in areas where they have been implemented as soon as possible, so as to ensure that the market is convenient for transactions.

(3) All relevant parties shall carefully ensure that the early implementation of National VI emission standards will not affect the normal use of National V vehicles. Vehicles with emissions of National V and below can drive normally on the road as long as they meet the national in-use vehicle inspection test.

(IV) The China Automobile Association proposes that automobile manufacturers should actively adjust the production rhythm, reasonably allocate market resources, and carry out the comprehensive switching of national six products as soon as possible in strict accordance with the requirements of the "Blue Sky Defense War" in areas where the national six emission standards are implemented in advance, so as to alleviate the pressure on market terminal dealers. In view of the fact that the implementation time of National VI is only less than one month in advance, China Automobile Association appeals to enterprises to stop implementing regional supply of National V vehicles to National VI in advance from now on; terminal dealers shall accurately grasp the market sales rhythm and no longer increase the purchase of National V vehicles. Enterprises and distributors work together to actively digest inventory and reduce the loss of economic and social resources.

(V) China Automobile Association proposes that automobile production enterprises should deploy in advance in areas where the national VI emission standards are not implemented in advance, reasonably arrange the production rhythm and sales plan of national V and national VI vehicles, actively reduce the production supply of national V vehicles, and make full preparations for ensuring the full implementation of national VI standards on July 1,2020.

(6) It is hoped that the local government will reasonably guide the digestion of the national five-vehicle inventory. Each local government in the area where the sixth national implementation is ahead of schedule shall issue a document specifying the implementation time, implementation scope and implementation stage, as well as the time limit for sales and registration; Various measures can be taken to actively guide consumption, encourage the elimination of old vehicles, especially actively encourage the elimination of old vehicles of Grade II and below, and speed up the digestion of National V stock vehicles; At the same time, facilitate the transfer of National V stock vehicles to non-advanced implementation areas, so as to reduce the loss of economic and social resources and ensure market stability.

A few days ago, Guangzhou and Shenzhen of Guangdong Province took the lead in putting forward relevant policies to promote automobile consumption in combination with the actual situation of their respective regions. In May, they realized the good effect of double-digit growth of automobile market in their respective regions, relieved the inventory pressure of national five vehicles to a certain extent, and caused positive response in the whole country. Therefore, China Automobile Association hopes that all regions, especially the key areas implementing the national VI emission standards ahead of schedule, will learn from the practices of Guangdong Province, actively take relevant measures in combination with the economic development of the region and the actual development of automobile market, and actively promote the development of automobile market in combination with the implementation of relevant policies to promote automobile consumption jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Commerce, so as to effectively relieve the inventory pressure of five vehicles in the local country.

China Automobile Association believes that with the understanding and support of automobile consumers and the joint efforts of relevant ministries and local government departments, automobile industry and enterprises, automobile logistics and dealers, the inventory problem of five vehicles in China will be finally solved, so as to ensure the early implementation of national VI emission standards in key areas, effectively promote the stable operation of automobile market in 2019, and actively promote the healthy and sustainable development of automobile industry.

* Note: "Blue Sky Defense War" National VI Standard Implementation Area Scope in Advance:

1) Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas: including Beijing City, Tianjin City, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui City and Xiong 'an New District of Hebei Province, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi and Jincheng City of Shanxi Province, Jinan, Zibo, Jining, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou and Heze City of Shandong Province, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo and Puyang City of Henan Province;

2) Yangtze River Delta region: including Shanghai City, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Anhui Province;

3) Fenwei Plain: including Jinzhong, Yuncheng, Linfen and Lvliang City of Shanxi Province, Luoyang and Sanmenxia City of Henan Province, Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan City and Yangling Demonstration Area of Shaanxi Province, etc.

4) Pearl River Delta Region: Guangdong

5) Chengdu-Chongqing area: Sichuan and Chongqing

China Association of automobile manufacturers

June 6, 2019

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