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Volkswagen suddenly stalled and sang on its own, and 4S stores said there was a navigation problem.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, a car owner spent hundreds of thousands on a new car, but there were a lot of problems with the car in less than a month. While driving, the vehicle will sing by itself, or it may suddenly become louder and still cannot be solved after maintenance. Let's find out the details.


In April this year, a Mr. Zhang in Rugao, Jiangsu Province spent hundreds of thousands to buy an one-day Volkswagen Tuguan model at the Changjiang Volkswagen 4S store in Rugao. Who knows that he has only been driving for a few days, in a normal driving way, the vehicle suddenly stalled, and glitches constantly. After the engine was turned off, there was a loud current sound in the stereo, and then there was no fire no matter what.


After two or three minutes, Mr. Zhang turned off all the equipment and started the fire again before the car was able to start. At that time, Mr. Zhang contacted the customer service staff of the Volkswagen 4S store, and the customer service staff of the 4S store asked Mr. Zhang to drive the car to the 4S store for testing, and said that the vehicle should not be a big problem.


As Mr. Zhang is not available for maintenance at the 4S store for the time being. During a drive, the same problem appeared again. And the vehicle will automatically whistle in the process of driving, the navigation system will automatically play songs, and under normal singing conditions, the navigation system will adjust the volume by itself, and the sound will go up and down.


On June 4, Mr. Zhang drove his car to the 4S store for inspection and repair. after testing, the technicians in the 4S store did not find any problems, but told Mr. Zhang based on experience that it may be the reason for the navigation. therefore, Mr. Zhang replaced the navigation system free of charge.


However, in the morning after the repair, there was something wrong with the car, and the navigation system turned on and off automatically, which made Mr. Zhang very angry. Mr. Zhang said that the vehicle he bought had so many problems one after another in less than a month, questioned the safety of the vehicle, expressed dissatisfaction with the vehicle, and asked the 4S store to replace the vehicle.


As for Mr. Zhang's request, the person in charge of the Changjiang Volkswagen 4S store said that the customer asked to change the car, but according to the requirements of the three guarantees Law, the vehicle did not meet the conditions for replacement. Now we can only restore the vehicle to the original system and then test it.

At present, the 4S store said that the vehicle needs to be tested, but Mr. Zhang disagreed. The two sides are still in further negotiations, and we will continue to pay attention to this matter.


As the 4S store can not treat the customer's vehicle every time, it is to deal with the customer with the reason of "re-testing", but should really help the customer to solve the problem.

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