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Domestic Tesla will buy it as soon as the end of the year, and the mobile phone App reservation service will be officially launched.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Tesla has been regarded as the benchmark of new energy vehicles, even as a mythical existence, and its Model3 has once become a star product, active in the global automobile consumer market. And as the largest Chinese market, Tesla has also made a strategic layout to build super factories in China and make them domestically.

Therefore, Tesla factory is located in Shanghai, and will launch the first domestic Model3 on May 31st, which will detonate the car circle as soon as it is released.


On May 31st, Tesla officially announced that the price of domestic Model 3 is 328000 yuan, with a deposit of 20, 000 yuan, and the delivery time is expected to be 6 to 10 months. According to the official information given by Tesla, the domestic Model 3 standard upgrade has a mileage of 460KM, a top speed of 225Km/h per hour and an acceleration of up to 5.6 seconds.

Tesla CEO Musk said at Tesla's annual shareholders' meeting on June 12 that the Shanghai plant (phase I) would be completed this summer and that mass production of Model 3 models would begin by the end of the year. According to the plan, by the end of this year, the Shanghai factory (Phase I) will produce 1000 cars per week, ideally 3000 vehicles per week.


Recently, Ma Chunlei, deputy secretary general of the Shanghai Municipal people's Government and director of the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview that the Tesla new energy vehicle project is progressing smoothly, and the construction of the whole factory has been basically completed. now it has entered the stage of installation of production equipment, which will be put into production by the end of this year, and then gradually climb to a production capacity of about 3,000 vehicles a week. I believe that by the end of this year and early next year, You may see or buy Tesla Model3's new energy vehicle produced in Shanghai, China.


In this regard, with the mass delivery of Model 3 in China, Tesla mobile App reservation service was officially launched today. Users only need to click the "booking Service" menu on Tesla's App, fill in the items and dates that need to be served, and select a service center to make an appointment.

Many consumers are extremely disappointed with the price announced by the domestic Model 3, but the editor thinks that there is no need to talk too much about whether the price is too high, whether this price is in line with market demand, and how the domestic Model 3 will respond in the Chinese market.

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