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Musk said that if self-driving is fully realized in the future, he will give up selling cars.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to foreign media reports, Tesla CEO Musk said that if self-driving technology will be fully developed in the future, cars will no longer be sold. Tesla Network (Tesla Network) has always been part of Musk's plan, which serves as a shared travel service platform, a ride-hailing service similar to Uber, and coupled with fully autonomous driving technology, will generate revenue for car owners and Tesla.


Tesla network "Tesla Network", this will be Tesla in the future will launch the shared travel service platform. Of course, this plan is that Tesla hopes to integrate shared travel mode with autopilot, so that people will be very convenient to travel in the future, and drivers will no longer have to drive.

Musk explained his vision of fully autopilot shared travel earlier at TED 2017, which will greatly change Tesla's existing business and is one of the services that Tesla plans to launch.

Musk said that once self-driving robot taxis become possible, Tesla is likely to stop selling cars to consumers, at least not at the same price as now.


Tesla previously made a statement on the plan, which wrote: "it is no problem to share these Tesla cars with self-driving functions with friends and family, but in addition, if car owners want to seek economic benefits, then they must be carried out in Tesla's own online framework (Tesla Network), and the details will be announced in the coming year."

In other words, if you buy this fully self-driving Tesla, as the owner, you can no longer use it to drive any shared travel platforms such as Uber, Lyft, Didi, Shenzhou, Yidi, etc., which are not owned by Tesla.

This statement is of great significance because it means a redefinition of the concept of "ownership".


According to Tesla's current sales, Tesla is indeed a good-selling electric car, with a variety of "advanced" functions.

For example, Tesla currently provides customers with two different advanced driver assistance packages: one is Autopilot, the other is fully autopilot.

Autopilot is the Advanced driving Assistance system (ADAS), which provides a combination of adaptive cruise control and steering functions, and is now the standard function of new cars.

Fully autopilot includes Summon automatic parking function and Navigate on Autopilot function. Through the Navigate on Autopilot function, the car can enter the gate and change the lane according to the navigation on the highway.

Musk also said that the L5 level of fully autonomous driving, the kind in which drivers can sleep while driving, will be achieved in about two years.


Perhaps Musk believes that simple car marketing is no longer the way to achieve revenue in the future. It is hoped that the realization of "patented" cars through various auxiliary functions can not only achieve a high premium for automobile brands, but also achieve more commercial benefits.

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