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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a revised method for the management of double points for public consultation.

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On July 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a revision to the measures for parallel Management of average fuel consumption of passenger car Enterprises and points of New Energy vehicles, and solicited opinions from the public before August 9, 2019.


In the amendment to the measures for parallel Management of average fuel consumption of passenger vehicle Enterprises and New Energy vehicle credits (draft for soliciting opinions), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, made the following amendments:

1. Paragraph 3 of Article 4 is revised as follows: "the traditional energy passenger vehicle referred to in these measures refers to the passenger vehicle other than the new and new energy passenger vehicle, which can burn gasoline, diesel, gaseous fuel or alcohol ether fuel (including non-plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles)."

One paragraph is added as the fourth paragraph: "low fuel consumption passenger vehicles referred to in these measures" refers to traditional energy passenger vehicles whose fuel consumption under comprehensive operating conditions does not exceed the product of the target value of vehicle fuel consumption corresponding to the "Evaluation methods and indicators of fuel consumption of passenger vehicles" and the requirements of the enterprise average fuel consumption in the accounting year (the calculation results retain a decimal place according to the rounding principle). "

Article 10 one paragraph is added as the second paragraph: "the actual value of the average fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger vehicles in enterprises refers to the actual value of average fuel consumption of enterprises in which new energy vehicles are not involved in accounting."

3. The first paragraph of Article 12 is revised as follows: "for domestic passenger car manufacturing enterprises with an accounting annual production capacity of less than 2000 vehicles and independent production, R & D and operation, imported passenger car supply enterprises with an import volume of less than 2000 vehicles authorized by overseas passenger car manufacturing enterprises shall relax the requirements for reaching the standards of their average fuel consumption points:

If the average fuel consumption of an enterprise from 2021 to 2023 has decreased by more than 4% compared with the previous year, the standard value shall be relaxed by 60% on the basis of the enterprise average fuel consumption requirements stipulated in the Evaluation methods and indicators of fuel consumption for passenger vehicles; if the decrease is less than 2%, the standard value shall be relaxed by 30%. The accounting requirements for 2024 and subsequent years shall be promulgated separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. "

4. One paragraph is added as the second paragraph of Article 16: "when calculating the integral standard value of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises, the production or import of passenger vehicles with low fuel consumption shall be calculated according to 0.2 times their quantity."

The second paragraph of Article 17 is revised as follows: "in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the integral proportion of new energy vehicles shall be 14%, 16% and 18%, respectively. The integral ratio requirements for new energy vehicles in 2024 and later years will be promulgated separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. "

6. The second paragraph of Article 22 is revised as follows: "the positive points of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises may be traded freely in accordance with these measures. The positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 and later years are carried forward in accordance with the following rules, and the carry-over period does not exceed three years:

(1) the positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 can be transferred to 2020.

(2) for the positive points of new energy vehicles that exist in 2020, the carry-over ratio is 50% for each carryover.

(3) if the ratio of the actual value of the average fuel consumption of the enterprise's traditional energy passenger vehicles to the enterprise's average fuel consumption in 2021 and later years is not higher than 123%, the positive points of the new energy vehicles generated in the current year are allowed to be carried forward backward, the carry-over ratio is 50% for each carryover. The new energy vehicles generated by enterprises that only produce or import new energy vehicles are carried forward according to the proportion of 50%.

7. "AQSIQ" in Article 3, Article 21, Article 31 and Article 32 shall be revised to "General Administration of Market Supervision".

Eighth, the "integral calculation method of new energy passenger vehicles" has been modified.

Integral calculation method of New Energy passenger car

Vehicle type

Standard vehicle model points


Pure electric passenger car

0.006 × Reme0.4

(1) R is the continuous driving mileage of electric vehicle (working condition method), in km.

(2) P is the rated power of the fuel cell system in kW.

(3) if the driving mileage of a pure electric passenger car is lower than that of the 150km, the score of the standard model is 1 point.

(4) the upper limit of standard vehicle integral of pure electric passenger vehicle is 3.4 points, and that of fuel cell passenger vehicle is 6 points.

(5) the calculation result of vehicle type integral shall be kept two decimal places according to the rounding principle.

Plug-in hybrid passenger car


Fuel cell passenger car

0.08 × P

1. For pure electric passenger vehicles, the maximum speed in 30 minutes is not less than 100km/h, the driving mileage (operating condition method) of electric vehicles is not less than 100km, and according to the quality of equipment (m ·kg), if the power consumption of 100 km (Y, kW h / 100km) meets the target value of power consumption under the operating conditions of pure electric passenger vehicles, the vehicle integral is the standard vehicle integral multiplied by the power consumption adjustment factor (EC coefficient). The EC coefficient is the target value of power consumption of the vehicle divided by the actual value of power consumption (the upper limit of the EC coefficient is 1.5 times). The EC coefficient of other models is calculated according to 0.5 times, and the integral is limited to this enterprise.

Target value of electric energy consumption of pure electric passenger vehicles: when m ≤ 1000, Y ≤ 0.0112 × m + 0.4; 10001600, Y ≤ 0.0038 × m + 10.28.

two。 The fuel consumption of the plug-in hybrid passenger vehicle power retention mode test (excluding the fuel consumption of electric energy conversion) should be less than 70% compared with the fuel consumption limit of the vehicle in the "fuel consumption limit of passenger vehicles". If the proportion is not less than 70%, the vehicle integral shall be calculated according to 0.5 times of the standard vehicle integral. The electric energy consumption of the power consumption mode test shall be less than 135% of the target value of the previous pure electric passenger vehicle, and the unsatisfied vehicle model shall be calculated according to 0.5 times of the standard vehicle integral; the product of the integral multiple of the above two indicators shall be the final accounting multiple, and those less than or equal to 0.5 shall be calculated as 0.5 times, and the integral shall only be used by the enterprise.

3. If the driving range of the fuel cell passenger vehicle is not less than 300km, and the rated power of the fuel cell system is not less than 30% of the rated power of the driving motor, and not less than 10kW, the vehicle integral shall be calculated according to twice the standard vehicle integral. The rest of the models are calculated according to 0.5 times the score of the standard model, and the points are limited to the enterprise.

Note: external rechargeable hybrid passenger vehicles that have obtained type approval before January 1, 2021 and meet the requirements of GB/T 32694-2016 can obtain 1.6 standard model points before January 1, 2023, and the specific integral multiples shall be carried out in accordance with the above requirements. When calculating the actual integral value of new energy vehicles in passenger car enterprises, if there are multiple new energy passenger vehicle models in the same model in the accounting year, they shall be calculated separately according to different integrals.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology explained the amendment to the measures for the parallel Management of average fuel consumption of passenger vehicle Enterprises and New Energy vehicle credits (draft for soliciting opinions):

I. background and necessity of revision

In order to save energy, protect the environment and promote the healthy development of the automobile industry, in September 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the General Administration of Market Supervision jointly issued the "measures for parallel Management of average fuel consumption of passenger car Enterprises and New Energy vehicle points" (hereinafter referred to as the "points method"). Since the promulgation and implementation of the "points method", it has played an important role in guiding the automobile industry to improve the level of energy-saving technology and promoting the development of new energy vehicle industry. The whole industry pays more attention to the coordinated development of traditional energy-saving vehicles and new energy vehicles, automobile enterprises generally increase investment in technological research and development, speed up the upgrading of vehicle models, improve the performance and quality of products, and stimulate the vitality of the main body of the market. market competition is more sufficient, and the good situation of the development of China's energy-saving and new energy vehicle industry has been further consolidated. In 2018, the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China reached 1.028 million, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. The industry's average fuel consumption continued to decline, with the industry's average fuel consumption falling to 5.80L / 100km in 2018, more than 10 per cent lower than in 2016. On the whole, it has basically achieved the expected goal of the policy.

According to the provisions of the "integral method", the integral proportion requirements for new energy vehicles after 2020 will be formulated and announced separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. At the same time, with the rapid development of China's new energy vehicle industry, some new situations and new problems have emerged in the implementation of the "points method". In order to give full play to the role of the "points method" and promote the high-quality development of China's energy saving and new energy vehicle industry. The "points method" needs to be revised.

Second, the main working process

Since the release of the "points method", our department has launched the research work on the next stage of points policy, which mainly includes: first, to study the technology trend, product characteristics and business model of energy-saving and new energy vehicles after 2021, calculate the integral proportion of new energy vehicles, and study the calculation method of vehicle type points. The second is to carry out large-scale research, listen to the suggestions of industry enterprises on the management methods at this stage, and carry out special research on the reduction of fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger vehicles and the integral trading risk of new energy vehicles, which are widely concerned by the industry. The third is to listen to the opinions of the industry on the draft amendment to the "points method". In December 2018 and March 2019, our Ministry solicited the opinions of industry organizations, technical support institutions, key enterprises at home and abroad and industry experts on the draft amendment to the "points method". After revision and improvement according to the industry opinions and suggestions, an amendment to the "parallel Management measures for passenger car Enterprises' average fuel consumption and New Energy vehicle credits" (draft for soliciting opinions) has been formed.

III. Main amendments

(1) modified the scope of application of traditional energy passenger vehicles

In accordance with the requirements of the "guidance on the Application of methanol vehicles in some areas" (Joint Section of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (2019) No. 61) to include methanol vehicles in the "integral method", the definition of traditional energy passenger vehicles in the "integral method" has been modified. passenger cars that can burn alcohol ether fuel are included. The third paragraph of Article 4 of the points method is revised as follows: "the traditional energy passenger vehicles referred to in these measures refer to those other than new energy passenger vehicles." passenger vehicles (including non-plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles) that can be fueled with gasoline, diesel, gaseous fuel or alcohol ether fuel. "

(2) updated the integral proportion requirements of new energy vehicles in 2021-2023 and modified the integral calculation method of new energy vehicles.

According to the development goal of China's automobile industry, the national energy saving and emission reduction target and the calculation of the future technology cost of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, the integral proportion requirements of new energy vehicles in 2021-2023 are put forward and the "integral calculation method of new energy passenger vehicles" is modified. At the same time, the following factors are also considered in the revision: on the one hand, adhere to the principle of coordination and unity, support the superior and support the strong, link up with the existing policies in terms of vehicle model technical indicators, encourage advanced and applicable models, and guide the technological progress of the industry. On the other hand, optimize the index system, weaken the influence of driving mileage of pure electric passenger vehicles in vehicle integral accounting, strengthen the requirements for energy consumption and other advanced indicators of the whole vehicle, and guide enterprises to constantly optimize vehicle performance and improve the level of quality and safety. In addition, in order to coordinate with China's emission standards, effectively reduce the burden of enterprises, and better reflect the actual road driving situation of our country, the vehicle model integral calculation method related to driving conditions has been adjusted according to the requirements of relevant national standards. The second paragraph of Article 17 of the "points method" is revised as follows: "in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the integral ratio of new energy vehicles is 14%, 16% and 18%, respectively. The integral ratio requirements for new energy vehicles in 2024 and later years will be promulgated separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. " And revised the "integral calculation method of new energy passenger vehicles" in the integral method. For the test methods and requirements of the relevant technical indicators involved, see "Test methods and requirements of related Technical Indexes of passenger vehicles" (Annex 1).

(3) improve the fuel consumption guidance and integration flexibility measures of traditional energy passenger vehicles.

According to the new problems found in the implementation of the "integral method", from the point of view of guiding enterprises to further improve the energy saving level of traditional energy passenger vehicles and giving enterprises more compliance flexibility, improved the traditional energy passenger vehicle fuel consumption guidance measures and new energy vehicle integration flexibility measures, the main adjustments are as follows:

The first is to establish the relationship between the energy saving level of traditional energy passenger vehicles and the positive integral carry-over of new energy vehicles. After calculation, it is proposed that if the fuel consumption of enterprise energy passenger vehicles reaches the standard value of 123% in the current year, the positive points of new energy vehicles can be carried forward backward according to the carry-over coefficient of 50%, and the carry-over validity period is no more than 3 years. Correspondingly, the second paragraph of Article 22 of the "points method" is revised as follows: "the positive points of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises can be traded freely in accordance with these measures. The positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 and later years are carried forward in accordance with the following rules, and the carry-over period does not exceed three years:

(1) the positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 can be transferred to 2020.

(2) for the positive points of new energy vehicles existing in 2020, the carry-over ratio is 50% for each carryover.

(3) if the ratio of the actual value of the average fuel consumption of the enterprise's traditional energy passenger vehicles to the enterprise's average fuel consumption in 2021 and later years is not higher than 123%, the positive points of the new energy vehicles generated in the current year are allowed to be carried forward backward, the carry-over ratio is 50% for each carryover. The new energy vehicles generated by enterprises that only produce or import new energy vehicles are carried forward according to the proportion of 50%. "

The second is to reduce the base of calculating the integral standard value of new energy vehicles for low fuel consumption passenger vehicles. In addition to guiding the overall decline in fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger vehicles in enterprises, it is also considered to encourage enterprises to develop and produce advanced models with low fuel consumption. It is proposed that the models whose actual fuel consumption is lower than the target value of fuel consumption multiplied by the requirements of the current year are low fuel consumption models, and each model with low fuel consumption is calculated as 0.2 vehicles when calculating the integral target value of new energy vehicles. The definition of low fuel consumption vehicle is clearly defined in Article 4 of the "points method", and a new section is added as the fourth paragraph: "the passenger car with low fuel consumption referred to in these measures" It refers to the traditional energy passenger vehicle whose fuel consumption under comprehensive operating conditions does not exceed the product of the target value of vehicle fuel consumption corresponding to the "Evaluation method and Index of fuel consumption of passenger vehicles" and the requirements of the enterprise average fuel consumption in that accounting year (the calculation results are kept by one decimal place according to the principle of rounding). " In view of the preferential accounting for the integral standard value of new energy vehicles with low fuel consumption, one paragraph is added corresponding to Article 16 of the "integral method" as the second paragraph: "when calculating the integral standard value of new energy vehicles in passenger car enterprises, the production or import of low fuel consumption passenger vehicles shall be calculated according to 0.2 times of its quantity." For the test methods and requirements of the relevant technical indicators involved in the adjustment, see "Test methods and requirements of related Technical Indexes of passenger vehicles" (Annex 1).

(4) updated accounting preferences for small-scale enterprises

Taking into account the characteristics of a single product structure in small-scale enterprises with an annual output / import of less than 2000 vehicles, and combined with the potential of reducing fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger vehicles in small-scale enterprises in the future, the amendment to the "integral method" extends the preferential treatment of moderately relaxed assessment. The first paragraph of Article 12 of the "points method" is revised as follows: "for domestic passenger car manufacturing enterprises with an accounting annual production capacity of less than 2000 vehicles and independent production, R & D and operation, imported passenger car supply enterprises with an import volume of less than 2000 vehicles authorized by overseas passenger car manufacturing enterprises shall relax the requirements for reaching the standard of their average fuel consumption points:

If the average fuel consumption of an enterprise from 2021 to 2023 has decreased by more than 4% compared with the previous year, the standard value shall be relaxed by 60% on the basis of the enterprise average fuel consumption requirements stipulated in the Evaluation methods and indicators of fuel consumption for passenger vehicles; if the decrease is less than 2%, the standard value shall be relaxed by 30%. The accounting requirements for 2024 and subsequent years shall be promulgated separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. "

(5) other amendments

In order to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, in accordance with the requirements for the establishment of the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration in the "organizational Reform Plan of the State Council", the "General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine" in the "points method" was revised to "General Administration of Market Supervision".

On July 2, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the average fuel consumption of Chinese passenger car enterprises and the scores of new energy vehicles in 2018. In 2018, a total of 23.1391 million passenger vehicles (including new energy passenger vehicles, excluding export passenger vehicles, the same below) were produced / imported by 141 passenger car enterprises in China, with the industry average vehicle quality of 1456 kg, the actual average fuel consumption of 5.80L / 100km, the positive score of fuel consumption was 9.9299 million, the negative score of fuel consumption was 295.13 million, and the positive score of new energy vehicles was 4.0353 million.

Among them, 22.1961 million passenger vehicles are produced by the 112 domestic passenger vehicle manufacturing enterprises, with an average complete vehicle mass of 1438 kg, an actual average fuel consumption of 5.74L / 100km, a positive integral of 9.7952 million points, a negative score of 2622,200 points, and a positive score of 3.9374 million points for new energy vehicles.

29 imported passenger car supply enterprises imported 943000 passenger vehicles, with an average complete vehicle mass of 1872 kg, an average actual fuel consumption of 7.26L / 100km, a positive score of 134700 points, a negative score of 32.91 million and a positive score of 97900 points for new energy vehicles.

Among the 141 passenger car enterprises included in the statistics, the highest score of average fuel consumption is Shanghai Automobile Group Co., Ltd., which is 1280871, and that of new energy vehicles is BYD Automobile Co., Ltd., which is 494698.

At the just-concluded 2019 World New Energy vehicle Congress, Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that through an in-depth study of the implementation of the double points policy and a large-scale investigation of enterprises, and combined with the stage fuel consumption standards on the industry fuel consumption reduction potential, the development of new energy vehicles, as well as the corresponding technical economy, technical cost calculation and analysis A preliminary study has been made on the relevant measures for the double points policy in 2021-2023, and opinions will be solicited in the near future.

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