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Mercedes-Benz China recalls some imported S-class and CLS-class cars due to faults in transmission system software.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to domestic media reports, Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile sales Co., Ltd. in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on the recall of defective Automobile products and the measures for the implementation of the regulations on the recall of defective Automobile products, filed the recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, recalling some imported S-class and CLS-class cars from now on.

梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司召回部分进口 S 级、CLS级汽车

The recalled vehicles are a total of 139 imported S-class and CLS-class cars produced during the period from January 11, 2018 to September 7, 2018.

The transmission control unit software of the vehicle within the scope of the recall may not meet the specifications. The transmission control unit may be reset due to software errors while the vehicle is running, and the relevant fault codes cannot be stored. If the reset occurs just when the engine start-stop mode is working, the engine will not start automatically, and the engine flameout may cause the vehicle to slip away, resulting in safety risks. Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile sales Co., Ltd. will update the transmission control unit software for vehicles within the scope of the recall free of charge to eliminate safety risks.

In addition, some imported S-class cars produced between January 28, 2017 and September 11, 2018 were recalled, totaling 4560.

Due to incorrect setting of steering control unit software parameters and possible deviation in the assembly process of steering bellows in the production plant, some vehicles with limited distance control system enhanced version (DISTRONIC PLUS) and S-class four-wheel drive vehicles with steering assistance function may not meet the requirements.

When there is something wrong with the detection function with both hands off the steering wheel, the steering assist function is still working no matter how long the driver takes his hands off the steering wheel. In this case, follow-up functions (including warning warning, turning off steering assistance, emergency braking) may not be triggered as expected, increasing the risk of vehicle collision and causing safety risks. Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile sales Co., Ltd. will inspect, adjust the position of the steering bellows and update the steering control unit software to eliminate safety risks for vehicles covered by the recall. Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile sales Co., Ltd. will notify users of the recall by registered letter and other means.

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