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As soon as the car owner bought a new car, the control screen broke down and the 4S store checked it for 3 days.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to relevant media reports, a car owner in Jiangxi Province broke down as soon as he bought a new car and tested it at the 4S store for three days before he found that the interface was loose. It was delayed for 3 days because of a minor problem. Ms. Wan was worried about the quality of the new car and asked to change, while the 4S store said it failed to meet the standard. What exactly is the situation?


At the end of June this year, Ms. Wan from Nanchang, Jiangxi bought a Chevrolet explorer SUV for more than 200,000 at Guanghui Hi-Tech Zhiheng Chevrolet 4S store.


According to Ms. Wan, she found that the central control screen of the vehicle was broken in the 4S store at that time, so she asked the staff of the 4S store to check it, but did not find out the specific reason for a long time. Let Ms. Wan go to another 4S store for inspection and maintenance the next day, but after more than two hours, 4S still failed to detect the results.


The cause of the vehicle problem was not detected until the third day because one of the interfaces was loose and could be solved by reconnecting it. But Ms. Wan believes that the car is only a small problem, but the 4S store has been delayed for three days, so she suspects that there is a quality problem with the new car.


But for this statement, a sales manager of the 4S store said that there may be misunderstandings in the testing. The sales manager explained that the first vehicle test was because the customer was equipped with a driving recorder as soon as the vehicle was licensed, and at that time it was suspected that it might be caused by the driving recorder, so only the master in charge of decoration was asked to carry out the test. The second time the customer gave that the inspection time of the vehicle was too short to conduct a complete investigation. It was not until the third time that the vehicle was checked more carefully.


For the specific cause of the vehicle problem, one of the technicians who carried out inspection and maintenance said that the vehicle is because the fuse Jack is relatively loose, resulting in the power supply can not supply power to the center console, it is only a small problem. This situation may be caused by defects in the process when the manufacturer assembles the vehicle.


However, Ms. Wan still questions the quality of the vehicles and hopes that 4S stores can change cars. However, the 4S store also rejected Ms. Wan's request because it could not meet the standard of changing cars.


Finally, under the mediation of the market regulatory authorities, the 4S store said that it would issue a vehicle inspection report and provide traffic compensation in accordance with the regulations, as well as an additional extension of the warranty period for users.

It is indeed unacceptable for consumers to encounter problems with new cars and want to get the greatest benefit for themselves through the protection of their rights. But sometimes consumers should not be over-protective of their rights, and it is best to negotiate a settlement in a way acceptable to both parties. However, the most important thing is for car companies to improve the quality of their products.

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