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C-NCAP 's latest crash test results are released, is your car really safe?

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, the China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. officially announced the results of the second batch of collision tests of C-NCAP in 2019. The main objects of this test are new energy models, which are Weima EX5, Lulai ES8, Great Wall Euler iQ and Xiaopeng G3, respectively. It can be said that this test almost includes most of the major products of the new forces of domestic car building. In addition, there are also several fuel vehicles participating in this test. Next, let's take a look at the test results of these vehicles.


First of all, I would like to explain to you what is CmurNCAP, whose full name is China New car Evaluation regulations, which will test the collision safety performance of new models purchased in the market in accordance with more stringent and more comprehensive requirements than China's existing mandatory standards, and the evaluation results will be divided by stars and released publicly, in order to give consumers systematic and objective vehicle information, and promote enterprises to develop and produce according to higher safety standards. After learning about C-NCAP, let's go straight to today's topic. let's first take a look at the results of the fuel cars that took part in the test.

Audi Q5L

Star: ★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 93.4%

Audi Q5L received a five-star evaluation in this test, with a comprehensive score of 93.4%, occupant protection score of 95.20%, pedestrian protection score rate of 76.68%, and active safety score rate of 100%. It is the only car with 100% active safety score in this test.


For Audi Q5L, the test results come just at the right time. After all, the new car has just been on the market. If there is a good safety crash score, it will obviously be more beneficial to the sales promotion of its new car, and Audi Q5L has not let us down. In terms of active safety, it beat all the models in this test and got a good score of 100%.

Hiromoto Accord

Star: ★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 87.1%


Accord, as one of the top 10 family car sales in China, is very popular in China. In this test, although Accord has a safety star rating of five stars, its overall score is only 87.1%. Compared with other models tested this time, it is only in the middle and lower level, which is somewhat surprising.

After seeing the score of the fuel car in this test, let's take a look at the highlight of this test, that is, the crash test score of the new energy vehicle.

Xiaopeng G3

Star: ★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 92.2%

In this test, the overall score rate of Xiaopeng G3 is 92.2%, with 5 stars, which is the best new energy vehicle in this crash test. Among them, Xiaopeng G3 active safety score rate is 94.09%, occupant safety score rate is 96.6%, pedestrian protection score rate is 70.34%.


For Xiaopeng, the new power of car building, it is indeed a pleasant surprise that the test can perform best in new energy models. I wonder if this result will give some comfort to the "Pengyou" who have been injured by the longer life and lower price of the replacement model.


Star: ★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 88.4%

ES8 received a 5-star rating in this collision test, with a score rate of 92.87% for occupant protection, 88.38% for active safety, and 67.79% for pedestrian protection, with a comprehensive score rate of 88.4%.


The launch of the new car has been controversial since the launch of the new car. Some people say that the ES8 cannot be regarded as a finished product in essence. When consumers buy the ES8, many of the functions advertised by the company are not used in the new car, and they have to rely on the later OTA to gradually realize some of the functions promised by the OTA. Consumers are equivalent to spending money on a semi-finished car. And some time ago, a series of spontaneous combustion incidents made consumers question the safety of Lai cars. From the results of this collision test, the performance of ES8 is still good.

Great Wall Euler iQ

Star: ★★★★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 72.2%

Euler iQ is the only four-star new energy model tested in this crash. Its occupant protection score rate is 84.11%, pedestrian protection score rate is 62.18%, but active safety score rate is only 26.67%, which is the lowest of all the models tested, and its overall score rate is 72.2%.


As the first product of Euler new energy vehicle under the Great Wall brand, this achievement of Euler iQ is really disappointing. As a leader in the domestic automobile industry, Great Wall enterprise should have done better in car safety than other new car-making forces, but the performance of Euler's first new energy vehicle is far from satisfactory. In the face of this achievement, Euler still has a long way to go in the future automobile safety performance.

Weimar EX5

Star: ★

Comprehensive scoring rate: 83.6%

In this C-NCAP test, Weimar EX5 got a 5-star rating, with an overall score of 83.6%. The score rates of occupant protection, pedestrian protection and active safety were 90.36%, 67.45% and 68.11%, respectively.


For the new car-building forces, Weima EX5 can achieve such achievements, but only passed in pedestrian protection and active safety, there is still a lot of room for progress. Weima is expected to achieve better results in automobile safety in the future.

Today, with the increasing complexity of road conditions, car safety is undoubtedly a common concern of consumers, for fuel vehicles, for new energy vehicles with large-capacity batteries, it is necessary to make efforts on vehicle safety performance. Whether it is a traditional car company or a new car-building power, car safety problems should be solved when producing cars to ensure that every car delivered to consumers is safe and reliable.

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