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Audi was caught on fire and the fire was identified as spontaneous combustion, and the manufacturer refused to pay compensation.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, an Audi car bought by Mr. Lu in Nanning, Guangxi, caught fire after half a year of normal use, and the cause of the accident was identified by fire control. However, when Mr. Lu asked the manufacturer to compensate for the loss on this basis, the manufacturer said that there was no problem with the vehicle itself and refused to pay compensation, which made Mr. Lu very angry.


According to Mr. Lu, he bought the Audi car on a loan from Guangxi Nanao Automobile Co., Ltd. in October last year, with a down payment of more than 200,000 yuan. It just paid off all the loans in April this year, and it cost Mr. Lu a total of 340000 yuan. But shortly after the loan was repaid, that is, on the evening of May 7 this year, the Audi, which had been driving for more than half a year, was parked on the first floor of the residential area and was left with its shell on fire.


Subsequently, Mr. Lu reflected the burning of the vehicle to Guangxi Nanao Automobile sales Co., Ltd., and the other party then arranged for after-sales personnel to test the burned Audi car. The conclusion is: the cause of the fire is the electrical short circuit caused by the electrical failure in the right rear of the house, which in turn ignites the combustibles and vehicles in the house, which is not a vehicle quality problem.


However, on July 5 this year, the "Fire accident Identification Certificate" issued to Mr. Lu by the public security fire brigade was quite different from the appraisal results of the manufacturers, which pointed out that the cause of the fire was spontaneous combustion on the right side of the engine room of the Audi engine parked on the first floor, resulting in a fire on the first floor.


In this regard, Mr. Lu found Guangxi Nanao Automobile sales Co., Ltd. with this identification, and asked the other party to compensate for the loss of the vehicle in accordance with the identification results given by the fire protection, but its responsible personnel refused to compensate on the grounds that there was no problem with the vehicle in the manufacturer's appraisal results.


So in the face of the two different appraisal results of the manufacturer and the fire department, which can be used as the basis for judging the accident? Tang Juhua, a lawyer at Guangxi Dongyi Law firm, said that the "Fire accident Identification Certificate" issued by the fire department is a more authoritative investigation conclusion, which is far better than the manufacturer's own investigation. The appraisal conclusion made by the manufacturer has a certain bias to itself, and the consumer can refuse to accept the appraisal conclusion of the manufacturer and make a claim to the manufacturer with the certificate issued by the fire department. If the manufacturer refuses, he can complain to the market supervision department or bring a lawsuit to the court.

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