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More than 3 million Aston Martin rear-ended beyond recognition, resulting in a loss of more than 1 million.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

On July 29, in the Shizishan tunnel of Shenhai Expressway, an Aston Martin sports car worth more than 3 million rear-ended with a truck, causing the left front wheel of the Aston Martin sports car to fall off, resulting in a loss of more than 1 million yuan.


From the monitoring in the tunnel, it can be seen that the yellow Aston Martin was originally in the first lane at the time of the incident. When it was about 50 meters behind the truck, it suddenly veered to the right and crashed into a van running normally in the second lane. Then lost control and crashed into the left tunnel wall before coming to a stop.


The accident caused the left front wheel of the Aston Martin sports car to fall off and the front face crashed beyond recognition. When asked by the traffic police why he suddenly changed lanes in the tunnel, the driver of Aston Martin said at first that the change was caused by the vehicle skidding, and later said he might have been dazzled by the lights.


Finally, as the truck was driving normally at the time of the accident, the police ruled that the Aston Martin driver was fully responsible for the accident. According to law, the Aston Martin driver was fined 200 yuan for the illegal act caused by the accident caused by the normal driving vehicle caused by changing the lane. And the impact made the Aston Martin sports car beyond recognition, with a loss of more than $1 million.

Here, I would also like to remind you that you must be careful when driving on the highway, especially when passing through the tunnel, you can't change lanes at will.

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