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It was too much to push the water quickly. A Rolls-Royce Curry South in Dalian turned off after wading.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A netizen revealed today that a Rolls-Royce Curinan in Dalian Lushun District flameout after quickly passing through the flooded road, visually observing the water intake failure of the engine.

As can be seen in the video provided by netizens, the owner of Rolls-Royce Curry South did not slow down when driving through the flooded road, but pushed the water quickly, and the stagnant water piled up in front of the car, far above the horizontal level, causing the engine to stall under continuous wading, and the vehicle malfunctioned on the road.

For the SUV with high chassis such as Curinan, the water in the video section is not deep, and it is not a big problem to pass slowly. Once the speed is up, the water level continues to rise, which is likely to cause the engine to flameout.



The new Rolls-Royce Curinan car is worth 6.1 million yuan, and the loss in the water must be large. Of course, if the Rolls-Royce owner has taken out full insurance, the rest can be left to the insurance company.

In many cases, many car owners do not believe in evil and try to rush through the stagnant water section, but due to the inaccurate judgment of the water level, the lack of driving skills through the stagnant water section, and the lack of driving skills through the stagnant road section, the vehicle is eventually trapped in the stagnant water, causing damage to the engine. However, some netizens are also right, "rich wayward."

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