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Festa's sales fell short of expectations, and the results of the crash test were not optimistic.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In October 2018, Festa officially went on sale. In the face of Hyundai's plight, Festa played the role of "savior". The 1.6T high-power version was sold at 140800 horsepower, and there were many blessings. It shouldn't be a problem to beat the Civic.

Festa officially went on sale in October and won 6688 transcripts that month. In November, Festa's sales grew again, with more than 8000 sales, although there is still a big gap with Civic, but the future is bright! In December 2018 and January 2019, sales rose again, to 10147 and 10240, respectively.


But in February of this year, Festa suffered a heavy blow, with only 7069 vehicles left, but 2019 is a special year, and more than 7000 sales are not bad. Then, from March to June, sales declined, with 7565 in March, 5830 in April, 4857 in May and 6893 in June.

In July 2019, Festa sales still did not achieve growth, a single month sales of 6291 vehicles, but as the first month of the implementation of the sixth year, sales are actually OK, did not put a burden on Hyundai.

The China Insurance Research Institute also recently released Festa's crash test results, its crashworthiness and maintenance economic index P (poor), occupant safety index M (general), pedestrian safety index A (good). Festa only got a G (excellent) on the overall vehicle safety index.


In the face of a collision of 25% area, many joint venture models failed to escape this disaster last year, and Festa was no exception. The A-pillar was bent, the front collapsed seriously, and the firewall position was high. These are undoubtedly pulling down the overall score of Festa, but for the phenomenon of A-pillar bending, there are usually two possibilities, one is that Festa does not face this aspect to strengthen. Second, the design problems of the vehicle itself and the steel strength do not meet the expectations.


In the current market downturn, no one can guarantee that it will grow against the trend. For Festa, the test in 2019 is particularly severe, with various brands competing to seize the market. If Festa does not have a strong product force and brand reputation, it is also difficult to achieve good results in the current market.

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