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Tesla changed "full autopilot" to "future driving" autopilot language

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to foreign media reports, Tesla's "full autopilot" has been Tesla's most controversial function for a long time, but now it seems to have given up this option. Tesla recently updated the functions of autopilot (Autopilot) and autopilot system on the official website, and the page description of these two autopilot options has also been greatly changed.

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However, the most eye-catching change is that Tesla removed the title "all cars will be equipped with fully self-driving hardware" and instead took "Future driving" as the title. And it will no longer mean that all Tesla vehicles produced by its Model 3 and other factories have fully self-driving hardware. Tesla also said: "all Tesla's new vehicles are equipped with advanced hardware and can now provide autopilot functions. In the future, through software functions, fully autopilot functions can be achieved."

Obviously, Tesla is clearly drawing a clear distinction between the current autopilot function and the "full autopilot function" that has not yet been realized. In addition, Tesla also deleted the expression that "the level of safety is higher than that of human drivers", a move that was recently refuted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and showed that autopilot can only reduce crashes by 40 per cent.

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When Tesla first launched two sets of hardware, there was a "full autopilot" option, and Tesla changed the autopilot to an "enhanced autopilot." However, after a long period of time, the enhanced autopilot has not been significantly improved or new features, compared with the original basis, so Tesla called it back to the "autopilot".

However, the language about "fully self-driving function" has also changed significantly. It is no longer "all Tesla cars", but "new Tesla cars". Now, Tesla said that the "fully autopilot" function will also require manual supervision before it is verified and approved by the regulatory authorities. In view of the fact that Tesla's sensor kit is not that strong, we can't see Tesla launching a self-driving robot taxi for the time being. Whether it can be solved later depends on the measures taken by Tesla Company.

Tesla has been overly optimistic about autopilot, and its chief executive, Elon Musk, has said it can achieve full autopilot by 2020. Time is also approaching, but why has the autopilot language suddenly changed now? is it because NHTSA and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are investigating Tesla's crash recently, or is it caused by force majeure?

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