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The Mercedes-Benz was maintained in the service store, and the next day it broke down with white smoke.

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the relevant media, Mr. Yang from Henan had a Mercedes-Benz that needed maintenance, so he sent it to a car service store to find a professional for maintenance, but he lent the car to a friend to get married the next day. Unexpectedly, as soon as he hit the road, the car broke down in smoke.


According to Mr. Yang, the total price of his Mercedes-Benz S400 car is more than 700,000. Vehicle maintenance was carried out in Zhongxin Zhibao on August 10. The next day, my friend pulled the car to get married.


Unexpectedly, something happened as soon as he went out. Mr. Yang's friend said, "when I was walking on the road, I saw a lot of smoke coming from the right front of the hood of the car. I scared my wife at that time, and then I quickly parked the car to the side of the road. Because I couldn't drive anymore, I almost couldn't take my wife home at that time!"


Then they came to Zhongxin Zhibao again, and through understanding, the store quickly admitted that it was the negligence of the staff that caused the accident, and then issued a statement, but there was no follow-up.


In order to solve the problem, the car owner turned to the media for help. So once again came to Zhongxin Zhibao service store, but after arriving at the scene, Mr. Yang's friends saw that the scene was very angry, because the vehicle was removed from the engine for no reason, leaving only an empty shell.


For this situation, Mr. Yang was also very angry and said: "now the car's engine has been dismantled, I am very dissatisfied, because of a little carelessness, even people who do not understand will tighten the lid." Now I have come to this office many times, although the store does not shirk its responsibility, it has been unable to give a good plan.


In the video, the car owner felt that he not only made a mistake in maintenance, but also dismantled the engine, feeling that the other side was a little unreliable. If the car is torn down like this, it is certain to be repaired, but there must be compensation. The owner of the car offered 150000 compensation. However, the store disagreed, saying that the car had changed its engine before and dared to take it off directly if it was not the original one, which had already been depreciated, so the store offered a compensation of 10,000 yuan.


As there is a large gap in the amount of compensation between the two sides, no consensus has been reached. The store later promised that the car would be repaired within 5 days and reasonable compensation would be given. Finally, with the help of the media, the two sides have reached a consensus.


In this regard, I hope that various industries in the repair, maintenance to be meticulous, careful, not because of small mistakes affect the reputation.

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