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820000 Porsche driving suddenly spontaneous combustion owner: almost died in the car

2024-10-18 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Generally speaking, luxury cars perform better than ordinary cars in all aspects, whether in terms of power or quality. However, recently, a couple almost died because of luxury cars. What happened?

In the early morning of September 26, a Porsche 718 suddenly spontaneously ignited as it passed through the intersection of Baihualing and Jixiang in Nanning.


According to Mr. Peng, the spontaneous combustion of this Porsche sports car was spent 820,000 yuan to buy, the driving time is not a long time, 26 early morning, Mr. Peng and his wife play back, in auspicious intersection Porsche suddenly no power, at first Mr. Peng thought there was no oil, the result found that the oil gauge shows there is still a lot of oil. Mr. Peng turned around and saw smoke rising from behind his seat.


The Porsche had spontaneous combustion. Mr. Peng and his wife rushed to a distance. After a minute or two, the Porsche burned up, and then the fire flooded the whole car.


Seeing the car spontaneous combustion, passing drivers and community security have taken fire extinguishers to help put out the fire, before and after using no less than 10 bottles of fire extinguishers are also useless.

A few minutes later, the fire brigade arrived at the scene and used professional fire extinguishing equipment to put out the fire. However, the Porsche 718 had been burned beyond recognition and was almost an empty shell.


Mr. Peng's wife said the Porsche 718 was bought in February last year, less than two years after it was picked up. If he hadn't opened the convertible when he was driving, he wouldn't have known that the car was smoking. He might have exploded directly and died in the car.


At present, this burned Porsche 718 has been Nanning Porsche 4S shop dragged back to 4S shop, as for the cause of the fire, 4S shop also did not reply, only said to wait for the manufacturer to identify before giving the answer, at present the fire report has not come out.


Zhang Dong, the after-sales manager, said that he had fed back the matter to the manufacturer, because Porsche is an imported car, the manufacturer and the manufacturer will have a communication process, and they are actively following up every day. According to the preliminary plan, factory technicians will come to Nanning around October 8. Only after confirming the cause of spontaneous combustion from a technical point of view can it be clear which party is responsible for compensation according to the attribution of responsibility.


However, for a Porsche luxury car less than two years old, the first second is still driving normally, the next second smoke spontaneous combustion. The specific reason 4S shop and manufacturer did not reply, can only wait slowly, for the subsequent progress we will continue to pay attention to.

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